Today my little man turned one!
what has he achieved in his first year....he has gone from lying still to rolling to crawling to pulling himself up to cruising furniture to standing steady without holding on to now attempting to take take his first steps - not quite there but not far off. He has gone from a liquid diet to trying any solid food you give him, he loves to eat!, fruit, veg & meat - I am hoping that continues. He loves to make a mess! with toys and eating, especially when having watermelon. When feeding him he likes to take things out of his mouth, have a good look and then put them back in. He is very much wanting to feed himself but isn't quite there without the messs. He now has five teeth as the 3 top teeth slowly make there way down. He is quite chatty and is making a few words like Dada. He can wave, 'high five', clap and blow kisses. He lights up when his older siblings approach - there is so much love between them, it is truly warming for the soul. He goes to Day Care 3 days a week where he is one of the favourites as he is such a happy buba, full of smiles and he loves to laugh. He has started to finger paint and draw - with a fair bit of help I am sure. He loves to hear his sister play the piano, it calms him during the 'witching hour'. He sleeps well throughout the night when he is not sick or teething and has done so from a reasonably early age which we are grateful, but like his older brother is an early riser - usually between 5.30 & 6am. He loves cuddles. He loves to explore and is curious about the world around him. He will try to put most things in his mouth. He has the same cheekiness the other two have. He is now at the stage of being weary of unknown people but will warm up to people reasonably quickly, especially males and is very much a Daddy's boy. This week he was introduced to full-fat cow's milk and Chocolate Cake! Soon will be strawberries, honey and as more teeth come through there will be other food he can sink his teeth into like a steak that isn't very finely chopped! We look forward to his first steps, then walking and a little less to the mischief he may cause! His vocabulary will grow as will the love.
Uber cute - could I be a biased Godmother though?
Posted by: Megan | March 30, 2012 at 07:35 PM